Pentaho Community Meeting 2015

Announcement! Announcement!


On the 7th of November, 2015, I will be presenting at the Pentaho Community Meeting (PCM) that will be held in London.

I and my former colleague Francesco Corti will be presenting a plugin for Pentaho that allows an external web application to transparently have a user authenticated in Pentaho.

For further details about the meeting check this out.

Some details about the project

The project is an extension to the security and authentication layer of Pentaho and the related Spring Security filter chain. The basic need behind the project is allowing an external application to redirect a user to Pentaho, without him (or her) having to type the username and password, much like in a single sign on fashion, but without the hassle of a fully featured SSO infrastructure.

The final name of the plugin is yet to be decided but it will probably be “Pentaho Transparent Authentication”, although at the moment the Java project’s name is “pentaho-authentication-ext”. The final name is Pentaho Transparent Authentication.

The source code of the project is available here. Please keep in mind that it is still under active development.

Francesco has already written an excellent guide on how to install, use and test the plugin. Take a look!

We expect to release the plugin to the Pentaho Marketplace in the following weeks, right before the presentation, so that it will be immediately available for everyone to try out. Despite what the readme file says, there will be a shiny and fancy installer in the form of a Sparkl application. [EDIT: the installer is in place and the releases 1.0 (for Pentaho 5.4) and 1.1 (for Pentaho 6.0) have been published on Github. We are currently waiting for the review and approval process of the Pentaho Marketplace. In the meanwhile, you can download and unpack the zip file into the system folder of a Pentaho instance. Refer to the readme file and to the aforementioned guide for further instructions]

If you have any curiosities or feedbacks, please do not hesitate to leave a comment.

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