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My name is Alberto Mercati and this is one of the best pictures of me:


(What the hell is this thing?)

I’ve been banned from Facebook a few years ago but you can follow me on Twitter which I mostly use to troll italian politicians, with mixed results. But, really, there’s no point in following me anywhere.

I am native in BASIC but fluent in Java and C#. I know Javascript and I’ve always loved it, even back in the days when everyone hated it. I understand C but have big difficulties with C++, which is a shame, given my amateur interest in video games and 3D graphics. I keep forgetting the basics of Python and I usually have to re-learn it from scratch (tabs included) every time I need it for something.

I work as a software developer in Italy, homeland of the eternal economic crisis, mostly on web applications, large systems integration projects and Windows desktop applications.

I love Git and I like Spring and Maven.

In my free time I keep writing software. This is a list of the most recent things I have done:

  • BacteriaSimulation: a library that implements a simulation of a closed environment populated by bacteria. It comes with a Windows WPF application and a Windows Phone 8 app. The biological basis of the project is dubious, but the result is fun.
  • Gravity3D: a three dimensional, interactive, web based newtonian gravity simulator. My best attempt to master the noble art of 3D graphics so far [check it out on Github].
  • PenthoTransparentAuthentication: a plugin for Pentaho BA Server that has been presented at the Pentaho Community Meeting 2015.
  • Arithmetic: I wanted to put in place everything that is needed to launch a Maven project that uses ANTLR4. It also has a minimal compiler that uses ASM and writes Java bytecode. Cool, even if almost useless.
  • Showcase: “… so you can build web sites, can’t you? Can you show me something?” [Here on github. If you are really interested in this thing, which is highly improbable, you can ask me for a temporary account to log on].

About the picture

This photo is taken with a short range infrared camera that is meant to capture the subcutaneous vascular system of a human hand. And funny pictures of faces.

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